Friday, 26 December 2014

A day without a nap

Some days when rap skips his nap, the day is filled with many demands. This is 1 of those days. It starts as early as 7am.
07.00 - Wake up and shower
          - Make breakfast for rap and feed him
          - I drink some milo and start cooking lunch and marinate taufu and prawns
          - I have my breakfast at last
          - Play time
          - Give rap a shower and he plays in the water a while
10.30 - Rap wants snack. Feed him karipap and some roti canai
          - Put the clothes into the washing machine.
          - Make some mango jelly and mango puree ice cream.
11.00 - Fry the marinated taufu and prawns.
          - The living room floor is now scribbled with washable marker (thank god for the washable).
          - Some play time together.
12.00 - Lunch time. Feed rap first then I have my lunch as well.
          - Rap looked very sleepy so I decided to bring him in for a nap but he didn't sleep.
          - There was a mail delivery and also distracting rap's sleep.
          - I dry the clothes.
15.00 - Snack time again with some fruit ice cream and jelly made earlier.
          - Oh yea we play again together.
          - I had to mop the floor and clear the scribbles on the floor.
16.30 - Rap wants to bathe now ( it's early)
          - He is hungry again and wants nuggets. I fry him some chicken nuggets and feed him.
          - We were then playing with wooden and plastic blocks. 
          - While he is still playing, I excuse myself to have my shower. But rap stands outside the door and begs me to play with him. I rush throw my already short shower time.
17.30 - We head to the playground downstairs and run around. I hope this tires him enough.
18.30 - I feed him dinner.
          - Cook some rice and heat up the food.
          - I quickly have my dinner.
19.00 - Prepare rap for bedtime - brush teeth, change into pjs etc. 
19.30 - Rap is finally sound asleep.

What a long long day and I am yet to start my work. I am too tired and could only spend a very short time on my work itself.

Thursday, 11 December 2014

RAP is funny - conversation with tata

Today, I was busy with work and requested my dad to play and entertain RAP. Although RAP refused to leave my side, somehow we managed to persuade him to bring his tata downstairs to pick some fallen flowers.

As soon as they came back home, this is what happened.

Tata: Amma kitta solle enna sonnene. (Tell amma what you told me) - because he couldn't understand what RAP told him while downstairs.

Their conversation was:
Tata: Ellorum perusa poita, doctor aavange, lawyer aavange (People when grown up will become doctor, lawyer). Ni ennava aage poore? (What do you want to become?)

RAP: Perusa pooporen (Want to grow up). - he said it with action of his hand moving above his head

LOL. We all had a good laugh.

Friday, 5 December 2014

Green morning

Whenever RAP wakes up at 6 am, we try to have some morning walk and cycling going when the air is still so clean and fresh. The greens around the apartment makes it refreshing for the eyes. This is one of those days.
I never thought of morning walks until recently. I didn't feel so healthy like before as I'm mostly at home, sitting in front of my computer with no exercise. I used to walk so much since I was working in a mall, even before that I was an active sporty person but that has all changed.
It's now about a month since I tried to include some exercise and playtime outside in the morning. We usually head out to the playground in the evening to play with other children. These morning activities seem to work well
RAP is cycling a bit in the picture below and he intentionally wanted to ride onto the grass! Then he starts to laugh. Being cheeky.

Then we headed to the playground for some bubble fun. The bubbles settled on the ground as it was wet. So he goes stomp stomp stomp!

Sunday, 30 November 2014

Arts & Crafts: RAP loves BUS

My little boy is in love with bus! He has now more than 50 toy buses! YES! That many. There is no substitute to this. I was looking for an alternative way for him to have fun with bus. Maybe some craft activities might be fun. I had some old craft papers stored and got them out to make bus crafting.

I cut out parts needed to make a bus: the main frame, windows, door, lights and wheels.
While he was having his afternoon nap, I was busy preparing his activity for the evening.

Tools you may need:
1. color papers
2. scissors
3. pattern or coin to draw circle
4. marker/pencil
5. double-sided tape/glue

 These are the pieces that are needed.

And here is the finished bus craft we both did together. RAP kept asking for more to do. It was such fun. Then he started arranging them in line, making sounds "vrroomm, vroommm" and moving the paper bus on the floor like it is moving.

Wednesday, 26 November 2014

That's me

Hi there,

My name is Prabha. I have been wanting to blog for a long time since the birth of my child, about his progress and my daily life with him but I hardly had the opportunity. Today, I decided to create a blog and start my journey as a blogger. I'll start with some introduction about myself first. I am a stay-at-home-mom, pursuing research in UM and also working as a GRA. Free times have been so limited with all of my important roles I mentioned above. There is so much I want to do; quality time with my son, cook delicious food, study, read books, start up my own business (well I have a company under my name, co-owned with my dad), go out and have fun in the park/mall, travel, dance and etc. Some things come as a priority at some point of my life and I choose to focus on them right now while the rest I try to slot in whenever possible.
So simply, that's about me.