Friday 22 May 2015

New craze on baking

I wished for many years I had an oven, especially when I see all those cute cupcakes and cookies posted on the web. But there was hardly a space to fit an oven in my kitchen. Rap enjoys cakes. The problem with that is... it contains loads of sugar in the icing and that's exactly what he wants. Gosh.

Finally, we purchased an oven from Lazada and an electric mixer. I am so excited I couldn't wait to try. I went to shop for some baking utensils and ingredients. The first thing I try is butter cookies. Rap helped me with the cookie making. He wanted bus shaped cookies. 

That's fine rap, we can make bus shaped cookies.

The dough was quite dry and difficult to shape. Clearly, I did not follow the measurement of ingredients properly and end up having dry dough. I ensured I followed the recipe the next times and my butter cookies were so much better. I only managed to make some bus shaped cookies while the rest was made with teddy cookie cutter and star shaped cutter.

The cookies turned out fine and tasty too. Rap enjoyed them very much. I was pleased with the outcome too. Two weeks with the oven, I tried on few more recipes.
1. cupcakes
2. apple cinnamon muffins
3. orange muffin (though this one did not taste so orange, maybe because I did not include the peels)
4. raisin muffin
5. and more butter cookies

When I tried the apple muffin and raisin muffin, both tasted good. Rap enjoyed two apple muffins. It's one of the ways for me to feed him fruits ;) .

When rap and I made raisin muffin, he was waiting eagerly and kept saying he was very hungry and needs to eat. Patience rap, the muffin needs to cook and cool down. But, he only ate the muffin without the raisins! was my dad feeding him, so rap had his way for leaving out raisins.

I am so hoping to use my oven more and make new meals for rap to enjoy. One of which is to make pizza and bread. I had been busy lately and there are still more datelines to meet for my studies and job.

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