Some days when rap skips his nap, the day is filled with many demands. This is 1 of those days. It starts as early as 7am.
07.00 - Wake up and shower
- Make breakfast for rap and feed him
- I drink some milo and start cooking lunch and marinate taufu and prawns
- I have my breakfast at last
- Make breakfast for rap and feed him
- I drink some milo and start cooking lunch and marinate taufu and prawns
- I have my breakfast at last
- Play time
- Give rap a shower and he plays in the water a while
- Give rap a shower and he plays in the water a while
10.30 - Rap wants snack. Feed him karipap and some roti canai
- Put the clothes into the washing machine.
- Make some mango jelly and mango puree ice cream.
11.00 - Fry the marinated taufu and prawns.
- The living room floor is now scribbled with washable marker (thank god for the washable).
- Some play time together.
12.00 - Lunch time. Feed rap first then I have my lunch as well.
- Rap looked very sleepy so I decided to bring him in for a nap but he didn't sleep.
- There was a mail delivery and also distracting rap's sleep.
- I dry the clothes.
15.00 - Snack time again with some fruit ice cream and jelly made earlier.
- Oh yea we play again together.
- I had to mop the floor and clear the scribbles on the floor.
16.30 - Rap wants to bathe now ( it's early)
- He is hungry again and wants nuggets. I fry him some chicken nuggets and feed him.
- We were then playing with wooden and plastic blocks.
- While he is still playing, I excuse myself to have my shower. But rap stands outside the door and begs me to play with him. I rush throw my already short shower time.
17.30 - We head to the playground downstairs and run around. I hope this tires him enough.
18.30 - I feed him dinner.
- Cook some rice and heat up the food.
- I quickly have my dinner.
19.00 - Prepare rap for bedtime - brush teeth, change into pjs etc.
19.30 - Rap is finally sound asleep.
What a long long day and I am yet to start my work. I am too tired and could only spend a very short time on my work itself.